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How to Keep Kids Healthy at School

Your children are ready to start the school year and is ready to buy school supplies, shopping for new clothes. But do not forget to keep their health to be physically prepared to meet school challenges. See these tips for a healthy start to the new school year with your child.

- Washing hands:
The most effective way to avoid spreading germs is to encourage kids to wash their hands. And make sure that the child has spent enough time in this health task, and ask them to sing the alphabet song or "Happy Birthday" from start to finish while washing the fronts and backs and hands, and between the fingers. Suffering and water is better, remind your children at the time of coughing or Sneezing is always in the folds of the elbows or into their arms.

- Do not forget vaccination
Check your child's fortifications so far. According to the CDC, each particular case requires vaccines in different stages of schooling for children enrolled in public schools. Some schools do not allow students to attend without checking these vaccinations. Influenza vaccines are also recommended for all school-age children, unless the child is allergic to a vaccine or a health problem that can cause complications from the vaccine.

- Schedule the examination
The annual physical examination will ensure that your child is in good health before returning to school. In many educational districts, this examination is required for those students who wish to participate in school sports such as football. Some states require this examination to see students before entering kindergartens

- Restoring routines
At least one week before the start of the study, your children should return to a certain number of hours of sleep according to the most appropriate sleep schedules for the school year. It's time for them to stop playing computer games again and watch TV. Help your child make this transition by encouraging them to read or play quiet games for an hour before going to bed.

- Power up with good nutrition
Obesity persists in childhood and rises with greater health risks for those affected. According to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), you can reverse this trend and provide options for a healthy meal for your children. This includes breakfast. Students who eat breakfast for those who do not eat are most attentive during the course. In addition, healthy foods along with adequate rest help their bodies fight infection.

Check for head lice
Notice any frequent itching in your child's hair? Make sure that your baby does not share combs, hats, and clothes with one, then you should do a head scan at least once a week, especially for younger children. At this time of year

Be alert of allergens
The new school year coincides with the allergy season. Children with allergies are given three-way vaccinations in school against mites, dust, mildew, and allergens may thrive in the classroom. For some children, it is a runny nose, sneezing, coughing, and teary eyes. For others, these allergens can cause asthma or indirectly lead to sinus infections. Also, dining in the cafeteria can present a number of problems for those with food allergies.