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Dietary habits: A diet rich in calories, which relies mainly on sugars and fats is the cause of such fats.

Aging: As age progresses, the skin loses its cohesion. The more skin is smooth and spongy, the more weight it will gain.
Foods that get rid of fat accumulated in the back:
1 - legumes: Legumes are foods rich in fiber, and are characterized by low sugar index, so it does not cause an increase in blood sugar level, and can be taken to remove the fat accumulated in the back area, as it has a strong and effective effect.

2. Brown rice: Brown rice is the right choice of food diets, which helps to control calories, due to the fact that it contains a good proportion of fiber, and is characterized by a lower density, which makes it suitable food to get rid of back fat.

3 - whole grain bread: This bread contains fibers that help you feel full and full for a long time, does not add extra calories to our daily diet, which is one of the best foods that help to get rid of back fat naturally and effectively.

4. Oats: You should choose fiber-rich oatmeal, which can not contain sugar, can be taken as a healthy breakfast to remove excess fat in the body and back area in particular.

5 - Roasted turkey meat: This type of meat contains vitamin B3 and B6, which promotes the process of burning fat "Metabolism", can be added to your daily diet to help you burn back pain irritating.

6 - chicken breasts: chicken breasts of foods rich in protein, and resist the feeling of hunger, which makes us control the amount of food we eat, a good option to solve the problem of back fat.

7 - Apple: The fruit of the apple contains a huge amount of fiber, which helps to feel full for a long time, and contains the amount of good fluids, and eating apples helps satisfy the desire to eat sweets, which avoids resort to foods full of sugar, and advised to get rid of back fat also .

Green tea: Green tea contains antioxidants that promote methabolism. It also helps stimulate the hormones responsible for fat burning, so it is recommended to replace caffeine drinks of tea and coffee with green tea, which is considered a healthy healthy to get rid of back fat quickly.

9 - Authority: Power plays the most important role in weight loss, and provides the body with all the vitamins and nutrients that it needs, and recommended the need to increase the number of leafy vegetables, fruits and nuts also to achieve the goal of elimination of excess weight, which is the best choice to continue to eat without interruption .

Spinach: You should eat a cup of spinach daily, instead of harmful snacks, which contain fiber and help to lose weight naturally, which is good to get rid of back fat also.