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What are the symptoms of acidity of the blood?

The pH of children and adults is about 7.35 to 7.45. These values ??show the balance between the concentration of bicarbonate and hydrogen in the blood and play a balance in the level of acidity of the blood, which plays a major role in maintaining the health of the body and providing the natural environment For body organs to get rid of toxins, remove them, and resist diseases.

It is a defect in the chemical composition of the blood, where the pH is measured in the pH, and the number 7 is the ratio between the acid and alkali without increasing or decreasing; more than 7 became alkaline, and if it became acidic. The test is to determine the acidity of the sunflower leaf by measuring the saliva or urine; the ruler is the color. If the color of the sunflower leaf turns blue, the result is alkaline, and if red, the result is acidic and must be done before or after eating. If the increase in alkalinity and acidity should be modified diet.

Symptoms of acidity of the blood
  1. Sinusitis is chronic.
  2. Sleep disorder.
  3. Low energy, weak vitality and activity.
  4. Weak vision.
  5. Weight gain (obesity).
  6. Osteoporosis.
  7. Mood disorder, nervousness, frequent sighing, depression, and psychological discomfort.
  8. Gastric problems, difficulty swallowing.
  9. Increase breathing speed.
  10. Emit a foul odor from the mouth.
  11. Necrosis and tooth decay.
  12. Bouts of migraines.
  13. Infection frequently.
  14. Decrease in immune system performance.
  15. The eyes are closed.
  16. Bleeding gums.
  17. Low heart rate.
  18. Rheumatoid Arthritis.
  19. gout.
  20. Fluid retention in the body.
  21. Occurrence of cases between constipation, diarrhea.
  22. Stools are hard and dry, and defecation is accompanied by burning in the anus.
  23. Polycystic stones.
  24. Sensitivity to teeth, especially acidic, alkaline and vinegar increases.
  25. Feeling of heartburn and lower tongue.
  26. Blood drop abnormally.
  27. Increase sweating in the body.
  28. The presence of infections in the genitals, the occurrence of redness and itching.

Causes of acidity of the blood
There are many causes, factors and diseases, which are caused by high acidity in the blood:
  • Many pathological conditions are a major cause of acidity in the blood, and diseases that cause diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease, and psychiatric diseases, including depression.
  • Drug abuse and alcohol addiction causes acidity in the blood.
  • The body is exposed to heavy, toxic and harmful metals such as mercury and cadmium.
  • Exposure to poisoning or drinking pesticides by eating plants that have been exposed to pesticides without washing them well.
  • Exercise vigorously and physically without taking a break.
  • Inhalation of air is abnormal and polluted like air conditioner.
  • Taking stimulants that contain a high amount of caffeine increases the acidity of the blood.
  • Eat foods high in carbohydrates, sugars, and high-fat foods.
  • Drink large amounts of pasteurized milk.