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Is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Adult?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is commonly seen as a problem for children, but the fact is that this problem also affects adults. People who suffer from hyperactivity and attention deficit are born with this problem, but many are diagnosed only as adults.

The most important symptoms are: rush, tantrums, lack of control of emotions when making decisions, and expression of restlessness in the movements of hands and feet

Medical reports say that sufferers of this problem always say: I was so and I am in school, and still as I have been so far. This may mean that they have attention deficit and hyperactivity without knowing them. "

Dodging Life. The problem may arise more in marital relationships, so that the partner of life is little to listen, and does not keep the promises made, and fluctuating his emotional mood up and down.

A recent Danish study showed that people with attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity were more likely to be drug users, and accidents were the most common cause of their deaths.

Diagnosis. Diagnosis depends on the availability of enough symptoms, how they interfere with the course of life, and excluding other conditions that may affect life's pathways.

There are no clinical tests for diagnosis but a look at the past for other causes of persistent and recurrent behaviors. Examples of what is being reconsidered are: the reaction to a new drug that has been prescribed to the person, or an assessment of the causes of stress and stress that the patient is feeling at the present time.

There are symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder that interfere with all life-threatening dodging behaviors. They are similar to almost all psychiatric diagnoses, but one of the most common features of this disorder is that people find it difficult to regulate, to be distracted, to feel that they do not He must be held accountable for his business or relations.

An important feature is also in distinguishing the situation: neglect of detail, difficulties in hearing, disorganizing, and making a great effort to follow instructions, distraction, lack of constant attention, and forgetfulness.

Other features include the expression of restlessness in the movements of hands and feet, the difficulty of sitting for a long time, over-talking, interrupting the talk of others, and feeling great effort in circumstances that require waiting.

The most important symptoms are rush, tantrums, and lack of control over emotions and emotions when making decisions. When you notice these symptoms in childhood, consult your doctor for a psychological evaluation.